2025 Oakland Summer Camps

Oakland summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Oakland, CA.

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Integem: AI, Robotics, AR, Coding, Art, Games, Drones, Space Tech
16 locations in California
Phone: (408) 459-0657
Email: support@integem.com
Website: Camp.Integem.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
Ages 5-18: Create Holographic AR arts & games, program AI robots & space drones, explore coding, animation, 3D & DIY space launches. beginner to advanced. ACS WASC accredited, NVIDIA AI partnered.
Oakland summer camps
Camp Galileo
Oakland Rockridge & Oakland Glenview Locations
Ph: (800) 854-3684
Email: info@galileo-learning.com
Website: Galileo-Camps.com
Glendale summer camps Glendale summer camps
STEAM projects, collaborative design challenges & classic camp fun. Weekly sessions. Extended care & scholarships available. Use code GALSCD25 for $25 off per week! Valid on future purchases only.



2025 Oakland Summer Camps

Oakland summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Oakland, CA.

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Oakland Art Camps
Brains & Motion Education Summer Camps
Multiple locations throughout Oakland & the Bay Area
Phone: (877) 202-1554
Email: contact@brains-and-motion.com
Website: www.Brains-and-Motion.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
Watch your budding artists flourish! Our performing & visual arts camps blend creative expression with skill-building techniques to enhance your child’s artistic abilities. Save $50 with code SCD50!
Oakland summer camps
Liberi Enrichment: SCIENCE · ART · MUSIC · SPORTS
Alameda & Oakland Locations
Ph: (510) 501 1459
Email: hello@LiberiEnrichment.com
Website: www.LiberiEnrichment.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
We design a themed, outdoor/indoor itinerary that explores SCIENCE, ART, MUSIC & SPORTS. Each uniquely crafted activity builds an understanding of what it means to be a global & community citizen.
Brush Stroke Studios Art Camp
745 Page St, Berkeley, CA 94710
Contact: Jessica Williams
Ph: (510) 528-1360
Email: Jessica@BrushStrokeStudio.com
Website: www.BrushStrokeStudio.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps Twitter
Brushstrokes Summer Camp offers weekly Art Camps for Kids, Mini Matisse Camps, Summer Workshops for Teens & Tweens, Afternoon Camp, and a CIT Program.  
Oakland summer camps
OSA Summer Arts Academy
Oakland School for the Arts, 530 18th St, Oakland, CA 94612
Contact: Katy Zaugg
Ph: (510) 873-8800
Email: osasummeracademy@oakarts.org
Website: OakArts.org
Cooking Round The World Camps
1300 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610
Contact: Mindy Myers
Ph: (510) 593-5285
Email: Mindy@CookingRoundTheWorld.com
Website: www.CookingRoundTheWorld.com
Oakland summer camps
KVA Summer Art Camp
4214 Toyah Ct, Concord, CA 94521
Contact: Kimberly Votaw
Ph: (925) 391-7431
Email: kimberly.votaw@gmail.com
Website: www.KimberlyVArt.com
Oakland summer camps
MOCHA Art Summer Camp
1625 Clay St, Oakland, CA 94612
Contact: Katie Sammon
Ph: (510) 465-8770
Email: Registrar@MOCHA.org
Website: www.MOCHA.org
Oakland summer camps
CCA Summer Camps
5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94618
Contact: Cheena Marie Lo
Ph: (510) 594-3638
Email: CheenaMarieLo@CCA.edu
Website: www.CCA.edu
Oakland summer camps
Dancing Paintbrush Studio Summer Camp
700 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94710
Contact: Beth Hird
Ph: (510) 526-8289
Email: Beth.Hird@me.com
Website: www.DancingPaintBrushStudio.com
Oakland summer camps
Studio One Art Camp
365 45th St, Oakland, CA 94609
Contact: Karis Griffin
Ph: (510) 597-5027
Website: www.StudioOneArtCenter.net
Oakland summer camps
Destiny Arts Summer Camp
970 Grace Ave, Oakland, CA 94608.
Contact: Cristy Johnston Limón
Ph: (510) 597-1619
Email: Info@DestinyArts.org
Website: www.DestinyArts.org
Oakland summer camps
Kala Art Institute
1060 Heinz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94710
Contact: Jamila Dunn
Ph: (510) 549-2977 ext. 203
Email: Jamila@Kala.org
Website: www.Kala.org
Oakland summer camps
Camp Reel Stories
474 24th St, Oakland, CA 94612
Contact: Esther Pearl
Ph: (415) 265-2888
Email: Esther@CampReelStories.com
Website: www.CampReelStories.com
Oakland summer camps
Garden Center Day Camp
666 Bellevue Dr, Oakland, CA 94610
Contact: Michelle Doppelt
Ph: (510) 482-7831
Website: www.OaklandNet.com
Oakland summer camps

2025 Oakland Summer Camps

Oakland summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Oakland, CA.

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Oakland Sports Camps
ANTS Sports Explorers Camp
Redwood Heights Elementary, 4401 39th Ave, Oakland, CA 94619
Contact: Adam Ziegler
Ph: (510) 775-5289
Email: hello@antssports.com
Website: www.ANTSSports.com
 San Francisco summer camps  San Francisco summer camps  San Francisco summer camps
The ultimate multi-sport camp in Oakland! Explore tennis, soccer, basketball, flag football, dodgeball, & more in a non-competitive, positive environment. You’d never believe sports could be so FUN!
 San Francisco summer camps
Brains & Motion Education Summer Camps
Multiple locations throughout Oakland & the Bay Area
Phone: (877) 202-1554
Email: contact@brains-and-motion.com
Website: www.Brains-and-Motion.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
Enroll in Brains & Motion Education's Sports Summer Camps! Keep your young athletes active and engaged this summer with a variety of physical activities. Save $50 with code SCD50!
Oakland summer camps
Oakland Hills Tennis Camps
601 Biscayne Blvd, Oakland, CA 33132
Contact: Ryan Stickley
Ph: (510) 531-3300 ext.19
Email: Tennis@OaklandHills.com
Website: www.OaklandHills.com
Oakland summer camps
Camp focuses on tennis skills in the morning. Afternoon camp offers choice of basketball and water polo too.
Oakland summer camps
YMCA Summer Camp
2350 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612
Ph: (510) 451-9622
Email: DOYInfo@YMCAEastBay.org
Website: www.YMCA.org
Oakland summer camps
Future Star Baseball Summer Camps
12000 Campus Dr, Oakland CA, 94619
Ph: (510) 710-0987
Website: www.FutureStarBaseball.com
Oakland summer camps
Parkour Summer Camp
930 Detroit Ave Suite A, Concord, CA 94518
Ph: (925) 692-1154
Email: Info@ApexMovement.com
Website: www.ApexMovement.com
Oakland summer camps
Gymnastics Summer Camp
25 Sports Ln, Berkeley, CA 94720
Contact: Abra Slater
Ph: (510) 642-5813
Email: GBGym@Berkeley.edu
Website: www.Berkeley.edu
Oakland summer camps
Diocese of Oakland Camp
2121 Harrison St, Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94612
Contact: Bill Ford
Ph: (510) 893-4711
Website: www.OakDiocese.org
Oakland summer camps
Jack Hyde Soccer Camps
6900 Broadway, Oakland, CA. 94618
Contact: Jack Hyde
Ph: (510) 531-2230
Email: HydeSoccer@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.JackHydeSoccerCamp.com
Oakland summer camps
HNU Hawks Sports Camp
3500 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA 94619
Contact: Ali Oliver
Ph: (510) 436-1047
Email: HNUSportsCamp@HNU.edu
Website: www.HNUHawks.com
Oakland summer camps
Athletic Playground Summer Camp
4770 San Pablo Ave, Unit E, Emeryville, CA 94608
Contact: Alok Rocheleau
Ph: (510) 355-1626
Email: Info@AthleticPlayground.com
Website: www.AthleticPlayground.com
Oakland summer camps
Jensen Redondo Tennis Academy
5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94605
Contact: Amy Jensen
Ph: (510) 759 3535
Email: JensenRedondo@gmail.com
Website: www.JensenRedondoTennisAcademy.com
Oakland summer camps


2025 Oakland Summer Camps

Oakland summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Oakland, CA.

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 Oakland Academic Camps

Call of the Wild Outdoor Nature Camps
Nature camps in Berkeley, Oakland, & Cupertino/Los Altos Hills!
Contact: Kelly Knowles
Ph: (510) 296-5401
Email: info@inspirebehavior.com
Website: www.InspireBehavior.com
Oakland summer camps
Kids ages 5-10 hike, explore nature, learn biology, read, journal, play fun games, create nature-inspired art, make friends, & enjoy new Enchanted Forest Art, Reading, Writing, & Vegan theme weeks!
Destination Science
4101 Park Blvd, Oakland-Glenview, CA 94602
Ph: (888) 909-2822
Email: Info@DestinationScience.org
Website: www.DestinationScience.org
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
The fun science day camp for curious kids 5 to 11! Hey Kids! Build a robot, explore the science behind superheroes, solve a galactic mystery & more. We make STEM learning an adventure!
Oakland summer camps
Tech Know How Robotics Summer Camp
40 Dulwich Rd, Oakland, CA 94618
Ph: (650) 638-0500
Email: CampInfo@TechKnowHowKids.com
Website: www.TechKnowHowKids.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
TechKnowHow® offers Summer Day Camps focused on Technology, Computers and Engineering with LEGO® elements. The fun and enriching program is available to students, ages 5-16.
Oakland summer camps
Rosetta Institute Molecular Medicine Workshops
San Jose, CA
Contact: Ryan Holzer, PhD
Ph: (858) 205-7479
Email: info@RosettaInstitute.org
Website: www.RosettaInstitute.org
Oakland summer camps
Quantum Camp
1000 Skyline Blvd, Oakland, CA 94619
Contact: Ruth Woodruff
Ph: (650) 933-5467
Email: Ruth@QuantumCamp.com
Website: www.QuantumCamp.com
Oakland summer camps
CFEV Summer Camps
PO Box 2693, Castro Valley, CA  94546
Contact: Irella Blackwood
Ph: (510) 397-4095
Email: Info@CFEV.org
Website: www.CFEV.org
Oakland summer camps
St. Paul's Summer Camps
262 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610
Contact: Kenton Young
Ph: (510) 285-9600
Email: KYoung@SPES.org
Website: www.SPES.org
Oakland summer camps
Aurora School Summer Camps
40 Dulwich Rd, Oakland, CA 94618
Contact: Josh Johnson
Ph: (510) 428-2606
Email: JoshJ@AuroraSchool.org
Website: www.AuroraSchool.org
Oakland summer camps
Young Writer's Camp
2629 Harrison St, Oakland, CA 94612
Ph: (510) 642-0971
Email: Info@BayAreaWritingProject.org
Website: www.BayAreaWritingProject.org
Oakland summer camps
Shu Ren International School Summer Camps
1333 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702
Contact: Jie Moore
Ph: (510) 981-0320
Email: Info@ShuRenSchool.org
Website: www.ShuRenSchool.org
Oakland summer camps
The Renaissance School Summer Camps
3650 Diamond Ave, Oakland, CA 94602
Contact: Leslie Hites
Ph: (510) 531-8566
Email: Info@TheRenaissanceSchool.org
Website: www.TheRenaissanceSchool.org
Oakland summer camps
Vision Tech Camps
6328 Fairmont Ave Suite 230, El Cerrito, CA 94530
Contact: Anita Khurana
Ph: (925) 699-7036
Email: inquiry@VisionTechCamps.com
Website: www.VisionTechCamps.com
Oakland summer camps


2025 Oakland Summer Camps

Oakland summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Oakland, CA.

Home Oakland Summer Camps  Add Your Camp Oakland Summer Camps F. A. Q. Oakland Summer Camps Contact UsOakland Summer Camps Find camps in:


 Oakland Specialty Camps

Steve & Kate's Camp
Locations in Walnut Creek, & Emeryville
Phone: (415) 389-5437
Email: walnutcreek@steveandkate.com 
     and emeryville@steveandkate.com
Website: SteveAndKatesCamp.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
Ages 4-12. Activities include sewing, coding, maker crafts, sports, film, & more. Buy any number of days to use at any time–no weekly sessions required! Lunch, snacks, & all hours (8am-6pm) included.
Call of the Wild Outdoor Nature Camps
Nature camps in Berkeley, Oakland, & Cupertino/Los Altos Hills!
Contact: Kelly Knowles
Ph: (510) 296-5401
Email: info@inspirebehavior.com
Website: www.InspireBehavior.com
Oakland summer camps
Kids ages 5-10 hike, explore nature, learn biology, read, journal, play fun games, create nature-inspired art, make friends, & enjoy new Enchanted Forest Art, Reading, Writing, & Vegan theme weeks!
Brains & Motion Education Summer Camps
Multiple locations throughout Oakland & the Bay Area
Phone: (877) 202-1554
Email: contact@brains-and-motion.com
Website: www.Brains-and-Motion.com
Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps Oakland summer camps
Join Brains & Motion Education's STEAM & Sports Summer Camps for ages 6-14! Experience hands-on activities, make friends, and explore future careers. Save $50 with code SCD50!
Oakland summer camps
Liberi Enrichment: SCIENCE · ART · MUSIC · SPORTS
Alameda & Oakland Locations
Ph: (510) 501 1459
Email: hello@LiberiEnrichment.com
Website: www.LiberiEnrichment.com
Oakland summer camps
Sarah's Science Summer Camp
21525 Knoll Way, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Conact: Sarah Shaffer
Ph: (510) 581-3739
Email: Info@SarahScience.com
Website: www.SarahScience.com
Oakland summer camps
Camp Edmo
1757 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA 94611
Contact: Mary Yeh
Ph: (877) 993-MORE (6673)
Email: Info@Edventuremore.org
Website: www.CampEdmo.org
Oakland summer camps
Oakland Zoo Camp
9777 Golf Links Rd, Oakland, CA 94605
Contact: Liz Low
Ph: (510) 632-9525
Website: www.OaklandZoo.org
Oakland summer camps
Junior Center of Art and Science
558 Bellevue Ave, Oakland, CA 94610
Contact: Jim Nazworthy
Ph:  (510) 839-5777
Email: JRCenter@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.JuniorCenter.org
       Oakland Summer Camps
Alexa Cafe
5000 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 94613
Ph: (888) 709-TECH (8324)
Email: Info@iDTech.com
Website: www.iDTech.com
Oakland Summer Camps
Camp 510
360 42nd St, Oakland, CA 94609
Contact: Corey Weinstein
Ph: (510) 610-7450
Email: YouAndMe@Camp510.com
Website: www.Camp510.com
Oakland Summer Camps
The Crucible Summer Camps
1260 7th St, Oakland, CA 94607
Contact: Kristy Alfieri
Ph: (510) 444-0919
Email: Kristy@TheCrucible.org
Website: www.TheCrucible.org
Oakland Summer Camps
Feather River Camp
5469 Oakland Camp Rd, Quincy, CA 95971
Ph: (510) 601-1595
Email: Info@FeatherRiverCamp.com
Website: www.FeatherRiverCamp.com
            Oakland Summer Camps
Girls On The Go Field Trip Camp
1442-A Walnut St #437, Berkeley, CA 94709
Contact: Heather Mitchell
Ph: (510) 540-6025
Email: Office@GirlsOnTheGoCamp.com
Website: www.GirlsOnTheGoCamp.com
Oakland Summer Camps